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Moravec, L., Dressaged Animality: Human and Animal Actors in Contemporary Performance, London: Routledge, 2024.


Open access (FWF Publication Grant):


The book applies a productive interdisciplinary lens of art history, performance and animal studies for approaching political economy issues, critiquing anthropomorphic worldviews, and provoking thoughts around animal and human nature that spark impulses for an innovative performance aesthetics and ethics.


It combines Marxist analysis with feminist and posthumanist methodology to analyse the relation between ‘societal dressage’ and ‘bodily animality’ that humans and animals share. Within this original theoretical framework, the book develops the concept of ‘dressaged animality’ as a mode of critique to analyse the social and political function of interdisciplinary forms of ‘contemporary performances.’


Drawing on archival and primary research, the book theorises and historicises more than 15 performance practices in which animality is allegorically staged through by humans danced, real, or filmically mediated animals. It focuses on Rose English’s pioneering approach to performance-making and analyses overlooked performances by other renown and largely unknown American (Mike Kelley/Kate Foley, Robert Morris, Bruce Nauman, Yvonne Rainer, Diana Thater), British (Mark Wallinger, Rose English), and European artists (Tamara Grcic, Judith Hopf, Joseph Beuys, Bartabas, Anna Källblad/Helena Byström) from the late 1960s until the late 2010s. While various types of artistic practice are framed as forms of critique (for example, protest art, interventionist strategies, institutional critique), the book maps an original performance theory in art which shows that contemporary artistic performances can also take up a critique of societal dressage.

This study will be of great interest to students and scholars in art history, theatre, dance and performance studies, and ecology, as well as to artists and curators working with performance. 


Edited Books

Begin Suddenly in Splendour. Rose English: Performance, Presence, Spectacle, eds. Harald Krejci, Lisa Moravec, and Marijana Schneider, exh. cat. (dt/eng) Museum der Moderne Salzburg/Berlin: Distanz Verlag, August 2024.

With essays by Connie Butler, Nicole Haitzinger, Lisa Moravec, Marijana Schneider, and Amy Tobin; Design by Atelier Anna Liska. 


Posthumanist Approaches to a Critique of Political Economy: Dissident Practices, eds. Carmen Lael Hines and Lisa Moravec, with 22 international academics and artists, London: Bloomsbury Press (Posthumanism in Practice Series, peer-reviewed), forthcoming spring 2025.


Translated Books

What is Vienna Actionism?/Was ist Wiener Aktionismus?, Wiener Aktionismus Museum/Berlin: DCV Verlag, February 2025.

With Essays by Eva Badura-Triska, Julia Moebus-Puck, Lisa Moravec, Philipp Konzett, Sebastian C. Strenger.

Academic Articles
Moravec, L., 'Training Humans not Machines: Artificial Intelligence and the Performance Culture of its Critique', in: TDR, Still Exhausted (special issue), eds. Catie Cuan, Douglas Eacho, and Sydney Skybetter, 1 March 2024, pp. 51-69 (peer-reviewed).

Moravec, L., 'Virtuelle Performance: Zum Multimedia Event Planetary Skins von Sylvia Eckermann und Gerald Nestler', in: springerin (Netzteil), September 2023, pp. 10-11.

Moravec, L., 'Sometimes I Think I Was a Parrot, but Then I Realized I Am Only a Fish: On “Animal Art” and Its Contemporary Condition"', steirischer herbst, October 2022/2023,
Moravec, L., ‘Body Politics: Performing with Animals, A Non-Acting Approach’, in: The Routledge Companion to Bodies in Performance, eds. Victor Ladron de Guevara, Roberta Mock, and Hershini Young, London: Routledge, (peer-reviewed, submitted, forthcoming).

Moravec, L., ‘Dressage Performances as Infrastructural Critique: Mike Kelley and Yvonne Rainer’s Dancing Horses’, in: Dance Chronicle: Studies in Dance and the Related Arts, special issue ‘Critical Institutional Studies’, Olive Mckeon (ed.), Vol. 45, No. 1, February 2022, pp. 57-78 (peer-reviewed). 

Research Collective Performance and Political Economy (Jaswinder Blackwell-Pal, Shane Boyle, Ash Dilks, Caoimhe Mader McGuinness, Olive Mckeon, Lisa Moravec, Alessandro Simari, Clio Unger, Martin Young), ‘Marxist Keywords for Performance’, in: The Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism, Eero Laine (ed.), Vol. 36, No. 1, Fall 2021, pp. 25-53 (peer-reviewed). 


Moravec, L., ‘Spellbound Things: Hands of Stone, Michael Armitage’s ‘Conjestina’, in: Love Spells: Rituals for another World, eds. Lilly Markaki and Caroline Harris, Independent Publishing Network, March 2021. 

Text available here:


Moravec, L., ‘Beyond The Threshold? Artistic Performances in Contemporary Art Museums: Anne Imhof’s Sex’, in: Tagungsband, Verband für österreichische Kunsthistoriker*innen (VöKK), (based on the annual conference 2019), open-access, 2024, pp. 134-146. 


Moravec, L., ‘The Performance of Dressage: Humans and Animal on the Stage’, in: Contemporary Theatre Review, Vol. 29, No. 4, December 2019, pp. 487-490. 


Moravec, L., ‘Four Saints in Three Acts: A Snapshot of the American Avant-Garde in the 1930s and Lessing Presents Lessing’, in: Photography & Culture, Vol. 12, Issue 1, March 2019, pp. 133-137. 


Essays in Exhibition Catalogues

Moravec, L., 'Staging Ideas: Rose English's Performance Poetics/Die Inszenierung von Ideen: Rose Englishs Performancepoetik' (dt/eng), in: Rose English: Memory Theatre, eds. Harald Krejci, Lisa Moravec, Marijana Schneider (eds.), exh. cat. (dt/eng) Museum der Moderne Salzburg/Berlin: Distanz Verlag, August 2024.


Moravec, L., 'Die Kunst zu Performen: Ein Blick auf die Wiener Aktionisten aus der Perspektive der 2000-er Jahre' (dt/eng), in: Was ist Wiener Aktionismus?, Wiener Aktionismus Museum/Berlin: DCV Verlag (forthcoming 2023). 

Moravec, L., ‘Eine Frage des Glaubens: Weiße Materialien, Exzessive Körperperformances und Fantastische Tiere bei Günter Brus' (forthcoming).

Moravec, L., 'Beuys’ Radikale Tierperformances’/Beuys’ Radical Animal Performances' (dt/eng), in: Joseph Beuys: Denken, Handeln, Vermitteln/Think. Act. Convey, published by Harald Krejci and Stella Rollig, ex. cat. Belvedere21/Cologne: Koenig Books, 2021, pp. 149-162.


Essays in Artists' Books

Moravec, L., 'Gerhard Kaisers's "Way of Seeing": Visual Art Beyond the Digital'/'Gerhard Kaisers "Art des Sehens": Visuelle Kunst am Rande des Digitalen' (dt/eng), (forthcoming).

Moravec, L., ‘Worming a Revolution: Matthias Mollners Wurmloch’ (dt/eng), in: Matthias Mollner: Evolution Revolution, artist catalogue, Wien: monochrome, September 2019.

Text available here


Translations German-English
Mlodzianoskwi, S., ‘Ottomar Anschütz’s Animal Photography Through the Lens of Darwinism’, translated by Helen Lewandowski and Lisa Moravec, in: ‘Humanism after the Human’, special issue of Photography & Culture, special issue of Photography and Culture, June 2021.

Thies-Lehmann, H., ‘Peter Handke: Inhabiting the World Together’, trans. Karen Jürs-Munby and Lisa Moravec, in: Contemporary European Playrights, eds. Maria M. Delgado, Bryce Lease, Dan Rebellato, London: Routledge, 2020.

Art Writing
Moravec, L., 'Dancing Around with Rose English, What does it mean to be an engaged curator?', in: motor dance journal, Issue 2: Duets and Dialogues, November 2023, pp. 105-9. 

Moravec, L., Extinct Choreography, a dialogical text for Georg Blaschke's latest performance, Vienna, Dec 2022. 

Moravec, L., 'Oil is Boring', on Tom Streit's painting, April 2022.  

Moravec, L., ‘A Grotesque Allegory of Life: Eszter Salamon’s Monument 0.6: HETEROCHRONY’, in: Eszter Salamon, artist publication (forthcoming).

Moravec, L., ‘EXIT II (The Beloved Dies)’, in: Tim Plamper, artist publication on the occasion of the show Galerie NoD, Prag, 2021. 

Moravec, L., ‘Komisch’, in: RischArt_Projekte, JAJA – NEINNEIN – VIELLEICHT (Sophia Süßmilch), Gasteig München, November 2020.,v64076

Moravec, L., 'Kokon', gallery text to Sophia Süßmilch's solo exhibition, Galerie Krobath, Vienna, 8.11-2019-29.02.2020. 

Moravec, L., ‘Prometheus’ (Poem), in: Anna Kuen, Prometheus, artist book, December 2019.

Moravec, L., 'Lena Lapschina’s Street Photography Trees and Poets [The Urbanist’s Alphabet]: Encountering Nature and Art in the City of San Diego', in: Lena Lapschina, exhibition catalog, November 2017, unrealised/unpublished.

Moravec, L., Karen Irmer: Don’t Come Back Wave, folder publication, May 2017.

Journal Editing
Leask, J. and Moravec, L., editorial ‘Balancing Acts’, special issue of Platform: Journal of the Performing Arts, October 2021.  

Lewandowski, H. and Moravec, L., editorial essay to ‘Humanism after the Human’, special issue of Photography and Culture, June 2021.
- with contributions by Sarah E. James, Marietta Kesting, Sabina Mlodzianoskwi, Magdalena Nieslony, Erica Payet, Julia Peck, Julian Stallabrass, Joanna Zylinska. 

Moravec, L. and Peetz, J., editorial ‘On Magic’, Platform: Journal of Theatre and Performing Arts, Vol. 12, No. 2, winter 2018.

Leask, J., Moravec, L., Unger, C., Editorial to ‘On Criticism’, Platform: Journal of Theatre and Performing Arts, Vol. 13, No. 1, autumn 2019.

Book/Performance Review Editor of Platform (founded the performance review section)
Peetz, J. and Weiner, R. (eds.), issue on ‘Feasting’, Platform: Journal of the Performing Arts, serving as book and performance review editor, Vol. 12, No. 1, summer 2018.
Peetz, J. and Weiner, R. (eds.), issue on ‘Authenticity’, Platform: Journal of the Performing Arts, Vol. 11, autumn 2017.

Book Reviews
Joseph Beuys by Claudia Mesch, London: Reaktion Books, 2017, in: The Burlington Magazine, March 2021.
Foucault & Theatre, eds. Tony Fisher and Kélina Gotman, Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 2019, in: Contemporary Theatre Review, Vol. 30, No. 3, 2020, pp. 415-417.

Der Esel auf der Bühne by Maximilian Haas, in: Tierstudien: Tiergeschichten, 16/2019, Neofelis Verlag, 2019, pp. 184-6. 

The Sixth Sense of the Avant-Garde: Dance, Kinaesthesia and the Arts in Revolutionary Russia by Irina Sirotkina and Roger Smith, in: Platform: Journal of Theatre and Performing Arts, Vol. 12, No. 1, Spring 2018, pp. 100-103.

©2020 Lisa Moravec. Erstellt mit

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