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Guest Lecture, Universität Klagenfurt (MA Visuelle Kulturen), 28 January 2025.

"Dressierte Tiere: Menschen und Tiere in zeitgenössischer Performance (Kunst)"


Kunstraum Niederösterreich, symposium "Performance Besides Itself. Infra- and Parastructures of a Contemporary Liveness" (curated by Freda Fiala & Frederike Sperling), Vienna, 5-6 December 2024. 

Panel Moderation with Annie Jael Kwan, Carola Dertnig, Carolina Nöbauer (TQW Wien), and Marlies Surtmann. 


Lecture/Public Talk, Universität Innsbruck (Art History), 4 December 2024. 

"Versuche eines Posthumanistischen Denkens: Menschliche und Tierische Akteure in zeitgenössischer Performance"


Machine Futurisms, ICA, London, 27 November 2024.

Panel Discussion with Kate Brown and Dr. Soomi Park on the occasion of Geumhyung Jeong’s solo exhibition 'Under Construction'. 


Goldsmiths, University of London (Centre for Postcolonial Studies, Politics and International Relations), ​26 November 2024.

"Dressaged Animality", book presentation and discussion with Dr. Francisco Carballo (Politics Department)


Conference, Re-Evaluation in Feminism and Contemporary Art, Middlesex University, London, 13 September 2024.

'Women’s Politics and Art: Feminist Animalities in Kunst mit Eigen-sinn'


Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ästhetik, 'Medien der Künste / Künste der Medien', Universität Fribourg, 9-12 September 2024.

'Künstliche Intelligenz und Künstliche Körper: Performance Improvisationen', 10 September.


Institute Art Gender Nature, HGK Basel FHNW

Lecture, part of MA Symposium 'Animal Dancing as a Technology of Co-Evolving Bodies', Spring Symposium, 15-16 May 2024.


Odeon Theater/Spitzer, Vienna

Artist talk with Olivia Hold, Sarah Sternat, and Iris Drittler (whose work is dialog with the performances of DANKS.KIAS, Liquid Loft und Anne Juren), 6 April 2024.


Kunsthistorisches Institut Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut, 18-19 April 2024
Workshop Contribution, ‘Artificial Bodies'


Galerie Peter Gaugy, Vienna

Artist talk with Dr. Marlene Bart as part of her exhibition 'Ordnungswut', 16 March 2024.


Technical University, Vienna

Input Lecture for my co-organised symposium 'Posthumanist Approaches to a Critique of Political Economy', 4 December 2023. 


Paris Lodron University, Salzburg

‘Feminist Animalities’, for the doctoral program Gendered Body Politics, 1 December 2023. 


steirischer Herbst, Graz, Austria                

"Sometimes I think I was a parrot, but then I realised I am only a fish":

 On "Animal Art" & its Contemporary Condition, 14 October 2022. 

International Federation of Theatre Research (IFTR), Reykjavik, Iceland
‘Posthuman Porn: Sidel Meineche Hansen’s “Second Sex War”’, June 2022.

Royal Holloway, University of London/Senate House.
‘Kunst mit Eigen-sinn’: Performance and Feminist Exchanges across the UK and Austria’, June 2022.

Arizona State University, Austin Texas
‘Trevor Paglen’s Non-Human Photography’, invited talk at the Centre for Desert Humanities, April 2022.

Architekturzentrum, Vienna
Panel participation on contemporary performance histories and their spaces, March 2022.

International Federation of Theatre Research (IFTR), annual conference
‘The Dancing Horses: Choreographing Dressage’,  July 2021, online.

Symposium: A Call for Action: Moving is Understanding, UCL, UK                         
‘A Critique of Infrastructural Dressage: Mike Kelley and Kate Foley’s Pantomime Horse Dance’, online talk, June 2021

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
‘Touching (Virtual) Reality: Performing Together/Apart’ with Dr. Sarah Blissett, online talk, November 2021.

American Society for Theatre Research (ASTR), annual conference
‘The Nature of Dressage’, November 2020.

Annual conference of the Austrian Association of Art Historians (VökK), theme ‘Liminality’.
'Writing in Between the Histories of Performance and Art: Anne Imhof's Sex and Peter Stamer's/Frank Willens's In the Penal Colony’, Vienna, October 2019.

International Research Centre for Cultural Studies (IFK), fully-funded summer school participation
'Happy Endings? Stream: Vor den letzten Dingen: Geschichtsphilosophische Entwürfe, Utopien und Untergangsvisionen' (Karin Harrasser), August, Linz, August 2019.
IFTR , annual conference
'The Performance of Dressage, 17th and 18th-Century Paris: The Romantic Revolution of the Manège', July 2019.
Royal Holloway, University of London, research day, London
'Performance Histories: The Institutionalisation of Dressaged Animality', March 2019.
American Society for Theatre Research (ASTR), annual conference participation
'Zoo Time: A Comparison between Dressaged and Wild Equines at Spectacular Manèges', San Diego, November 2018, financially supported by Glynne Wickham Scholarship by SCUDD.
Critical Costume Studies Conference, University of Surrey, UK
'Queering the Anthropocentric Use of the Costume on Stage', conference on Costume Studies, Guildford, September 2018.

London Theatre Seminar, Senate House, London.
'The Dancing Horses: Choreographing Dressage', November 2019.

VetMed, Wien
Invited Lecture, Animals in/and/for Art, MA-course, Human-Animal Interactions, December 2018.

VetMed, Wien 
‘The Allegory of Dressage in Performance, its Documentation and Leftovers’, Minding Animals, Sept 2018.
Tanzquartier, Vienna
Presentation of PhD research and workshop, April 2018.
Universität für Angewandte Kunst, Wien
'Animals in Contemporary Art', Seminar, Fotografieklasse, Prof. Gabriele Rothemann, December 2017.
National Horse Racing Museum, New Market
'Mark Wallinger’s conceptual ‘animal’ work and painting', September 2016.

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